Thursday, April 12, 2007


Jay and his cookies! Gotta love the cookies!

He has "boy" coookies and "girl" cookies. The "boy" cookies have nuts..... "girls" don't. {giggle}

The results "WALL":
Oregon's Marilu Campbell and Stephen Trzaka. He's doing pairs! She's doing Silver dance with Bob Raemer tonight. Good Luck!
We all know this awesome gal!!
True ambassador of adult skating and we love her! (I'm just kinda in the way, there. Sorry.)

Some baaad news. I have misplaced my little point-and-shoot camera. I am sick about it because I had some great fun shots on it, and I hope it's not lost forever. I hunted all morning for it, but to no avail. Maybe it will turn up in the lost and found. {hopeful!}

Disclaimer: These are all shot on with my Nikon, but I have NO experience with shooting fast-moving skaters and I'm almost embarrassed to even try to show the shots (Paul and Michelle: I am so not worthy!) , but I know you guys LOVE pictures, so here they are. These are straightout of the camera, as us photogs like to say SOOC and no Photoshop work has been done at all cause I have NO time! Argh! Also: please forgive any mis-spellings of names. I know. I know. I'm a journalist. I should get names right, but well, so be it.

Ok lots to show.
Mike and Nancy: currently in third place in Pre-Gold Dance.

Deb and Dave Gaultier: currently in fourth place after Pre-gold IR: Gotta love those free legs! Yummy! I can only wish !
Kyomi and Neil....In First place after IR Pre-Gold Dance.
Terri and Tim: Currently in Second place after Pre-Gold IR. Go Portland, OR!
Carl and Liz: Championship Dance contenders. IR's are tonight! Good luck! Nice Quickstep! I'll try to hunt down my point-and-shoot. We took so many fun, pre-competition pics with it! I'm so bummed. If I find it, I'll post more tonight. In the meantime, Silver, Centennial and Championship IR's are tonight. Jordan and I have an "off" day, so I'll cover as much as I can. Once again, let me kow what you think and if you have any requests!

Still working on the video thing and if my Point-and-shoot is truly a goner, then video will be rough. So sorry! Thanks for reading everyone. Your comments are awesome and they really are encouraging everyone! Many people here are reading the blog....we've had over 1000 hits in two days! Whoohoo! Some keep the comments and cheer-on section going! We LOVE it!

Until Next Time,



Anonymous said...

Julia -
Thanks for posting the blog and pictures! So glad to see you include Jay and the cookies - he's awesome. I miss seeing everyone -- tell Kia, Molly and Terri hi for me. I'll be in Lake Placid next year - this year was busy with work and no skating.
Good Luck in the original dance.

Lisa Hoberg said...

Great pics Julia!!!!

Orgueil said...

Is this bolg for real, or is a skit from Saturday night live?

Anonymous said...

I've just discovered your blog - thank you so much for posting it!

Please give my love to Kia & Molly, and especially to Paul & Michelle, and please tell them I'm longing to see them in France in June! Also love to Paul & Julia, if they're there.

I do hope your camera turns up. I lost an inflatable cushion when we came to Adult Nationals in 2005 in Overland Park, Ks, but not the same thing at all!